What’s LibJaMu?
The idea to create LibJamu is from my master thesis and the conception of the prototype GenSession: A Flexible Zoomable Interface for Melody Generation. After this work, I decided to create this library to support the development of a new melody generator called MURAL.
The next step will be to write the javadoc. I think this library could be very powerful to write music tool needed music theory algorithm.
All of this is work in progress.
An example of use
This algorithm take a chord progression as text (like “C D- E” means Do major, Re minor and Mi major) and return the list of scales matching with these chords.
package com.cabrol.francois.libjamutest;
import com.cabrol.francois.libjamu.musictheory.entity.scaleNote.Chord;
import com.cabrol.francois.libjamu.musictheory.entity.scaleNote.ChordSuite;
import com.cabrol.francois.libjamu.musictheory.entity.scaleNote.Scale;
import com.cabrol.francois.libjamu.musictheory.entity.scaleNote.ScaleNote;
import com.cabrol.francois.libjamu.musictheory.utils.ScalesUtils;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
ChordSuite chordProgression = new ChordSuite("A- D-7");
List<ScaleNote> scaleNotes = new ArrayList<ScaleNote>();
for(Chord chord : chordProgression.getChords()) {
List<Scale> scales = ScalesUtils.getScalesFromNotes(scaleNotes);
for (Scale scale: scales)
System.out.println("For the "+chordProgression+ " you can improvise on " + scale);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("The analysis didn't work");
You will get this output:
For the ChordSuite{ A-(A-C-E-) D-7(D-F-A-C-) } you can improvise on Gamme de C major ( C D E F G A B ) For the ChordSuite{ A-(A-C-E-) D-7(D-F-A-C-) } you can improvise on Gamme de F major ( F G A A# C D E ) For the ChordSuite{ A-(A-C-E-) D-7(D-F-A-C-) } you can improvise on Gamme de D minor ( D E F G A A# C ) For the ChordSuite{ A-(A-C-E-) D-7(D-F-A-C-) } you can improvise on Gamme de A minor ( A B C D E F G ) For the ChordSuite{ A-(A-C-E-) D-7(D-F-A-C-) } you can improvise on Gamme de C mixolydien ( C D E F G A A# ) For the ChordSuite{ A-(A-C-E-) D-7(D-F-A-C-) } you can improvise on Gamme de G mixolydien ( G A B C D E F ) For the ChordSuite{ A-(A-C-E-) D-7(D-F-A-C-) } you can improvise on Gamme de A harmonic ( A B C D E F G# ) For the ChordSuite{ A-(A-C-E-) D-7(D-F-A-C-) } you can improvise on Gamme de E orient3 ( E F G# A A# C D )