What’s GenSession?
GenSession is a zoomable user interface in which short clips of musical passages can be created and positioned on a 2-dimensional workspace. Clips can be created by hand, or with automatic genera- tion algorithms, and can be subsequently edited or sequenced together. Links between clips visualize the history of how they were created. The zoomable user interface is enhanced with an automatic re-framing mode, and the generation algorithms used support dynamic parameters that can be sketched as curves over time. GenSession allows melodies and sequences of chords to be generated quickly without expert knowledge.
The system allow the user to generate melodies, organize them, manage generation parameters and construct a midi music sequence without music knowledge.
The paper GenSession: A Flexible Zoomable User Interface for Melody Generation has been accepted at the conference CMMR 2013. CMMR 2013 was the 10th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research on October 2013.

This projet was done for my master thesis in the lab of Michael McGuffin. The video that follow show how it works.
A session in video
You can also download my master thesis (written in French) at http://espace.etsmtl.ca/1278/.
Thanks to Substance for writing an article introducing my master’s thesis!
Examples of sessions
And here is examples contruct from melody generated with GenSession:
Try it
You can try it! No inspiration is required ;)
There is a web page that explains all about it!